Doing. The Essential Element of Learning.

Jan 17, 20223 min read

Doing is an essential part of learning, but isn’t always possible. VR changes that. The Immersive Learning Studio creates VR teaching experiences that make learning faster and more memorable.

Virtual Reality is the new frontier for training – and it’s here to stay. Several studies have shown the advantages of using VR for training, and as the technology develops, those advantages grow.



Presence is the key to learning. When learners feel present and immersed in a situation, their brains become more accurate at encoding memories. VR activates the brain’s motor cortex and sensory system in a similar way to a real-life experience. This is why VR is a viable alternative to training in risky environments – you can achieve the same level of learning through VR as you can from the real thing, with none of the risks.

A recent University study showed a 9% improvement in memory when learners used VR to learn instead of a desktop computer. Another study by tech company STRIVR found that learning with VR was 12% faster than traditional training methods. Both studies cite presence as a major possible reason for the effectiveness of VR.



VR allows us to create embodiment more fully than ever before. Learners feel as though they have been transported into the body of their VR avatar. Embodiment creates empathy – if you can put a person into someone else’s shoes, for example, putting a customer service representative in the shoes of a frustrated customer, they can understand the person’s needs and provide a better service.

Embodiment is also useful when training for high-pressure situations. VR tricks the primitive part of the learner’s brain into believing they are there so that their reflexes respond as though they are, even if the logical part of their mind knows better. VR gives learners the opportunity to practice in-situ, as many times as needed, and in complete safety, until they know how to handle the situation.

The brain isn’t the only muscle VR can train. Learners can practice a task for an unlimited amount of time, creating muscle memory. This allows the body to reinforce the brain’s knowledge, so when they move onto the real thing, they will be fully prepared.