Why You Should Use Games In Your Training Strategy

Jan 17, 20223 min read

Gaming is increasingly being used in training plans by all sorts of companies, from Coca-Cola to NASA, but many employers are still hesitant to engage with VR as a teaching method. These are just some of the reasons why games are an essential tool in learning.


Games are… Engaging

Games are designed to be engaging, entertaining and rewarding, which makes the perfect combination for effective learning. They reward knowledge, and increase the desire to learn and master a skill or topic. Multiplayer gaming can provide a sense of community, which is very effective in team-building. Games are designed to be replayed, and repetition is an excellent way of learning. Training can sometimes be dull, but playing games can stop it feeling like a chore, and can make learning fun.


Good for the Brain

Games don’t just hand the learner knowledge – they have to find it themselves, which creates logical pathways they can follow again later, increasing recall. Non-linear, critical thinking is required both in gaming and in the workplace – learning and working with the same style of thinking not only reinforces this thinking style, but links the knowledge to it, making recall easier whilst working.


Cost Effective

Games can be delivered on any device, even the learners’ own mobile devices, saving you the expense of paying for equipment. They can be delivered anywhere in the world instantaneously and any updates can be rolled out across the globe simultaneously. Using games removes, or at least reduces, the need for classroom learning. This cuts down on the cost of hiring classrooms and instructors, as well as the travel costs for both staff and instructors.


Time Effective

Games can fit into the workday, or even be played at home. This means that staff don’t have to sacrifice hours or even days of their work time for training; it can fit into their workday whenever they have a few minutes spare. They can be completed at any time, which negates the problem of scheduling training around existing commitments.



Due to their flexible nature, games can be applied to any type of learning. The definition of gaming is wide and constantly widening as the entertainment industry expands and evolves, and learners can benefit from these innovations.  Gamification is undeniably a highly effective tool and massively increase the effectiveness of training.